The CVBS website is a project of Berith Bible Ministries Inc. founded in 1986, an independent non-profit organization. Since it's inception we have have been working with a board of qualified professional ministers and business executives, utilizing their extensive business experience and seasoned entrepreneurial skills to reach, disciple, and equip people to know Jesus. We do this by making Him known by publishing life-related materials via print, TV, and the internet that are biblically rooted and culturally relevant. Since 1986, millions of people have tuned into this Network of ministries for inspiration and encouragement.
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P.O. Box 322
Tulsa, OK 74101
"If one can chase a thousand. . . two can put ten thousand to flight. . ."
(Deut. 32:30).
". . .a threefold cord is not easily broken"
(Ecc. 4:12).