After Almighty God had thus made man and provided for his wants, He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so as His last and best gift to him, He created woman. She was so lovely and so winsome that what before has seemed to him most fair now seemed to him but mean; in ministry so soft and tender, in loyalty so kind and true, she has ever fulfilled her mission and helped to mend his faults and mold him into virtue. The bible teaches many beautiful lessons, but none of more importance than true respect for womanhood.

If I were to draw for you a picture of love divine, it would not be that of a stately angel with a form that is full of grace, but a bent and toil-worn woman with a grave and tender face; no golden rings would enfold her, nor rosy her cheeks nor fair, but the face of an angel of pity framed in snow white hair; her hands are not white and slender, but roughened with work and woe, by bearing other’s burdens and soothing the tears that flow; no halo of light surrounds her, no wondrous power she hath, but many and many a blessing is spoken along her path; others may paint their angels with white robed forms of grace, but my sweet angel of pity has my mother’s careworn face.

But why endeavor to convey to you an ideal which is already enshrined within your heart, for deep down, safely locked within that secret chamber, you keep that cherished ideal, sacred and holy; it is your mother. It was she who all alone, who went down into the valley of the shadow of death to receive your trembling soul at the gates of life; it was she who pillowed your helpless head within the elbow of her bended arm; it was from her tender breast you drew the life giving fluid that sustained you in your helpless years; it was she who first taught your lisping tongue to frame that God given prayer, “Our Father, who art in Heaven,” in which all races, sects and kind may join. There is no one so vile, so base, so low, but who in their sin-stained soul keeps pure and apart a little place for their mother’s memory. And when, in the silent watches of the night in their mind turns back to pure and happy childhood hours, they remember that mother and are drawn closer to God.

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