John Wayne Talks About America 


Patriotic Songs
Songs with music and words so you can join in a family sing-a-long

Johnny Cash Patriotic Songs
His political statements in song, Ragged Old Flag...and more
The Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton
Red is going to explain the true meaning of each word. Listen to him speaking carefully, as it'll deeply touch your heart
John Wayne Talks about America
He became the very embodiment of American values and patriotic pride. Listen, he will make you proud..

The Declaration of Independence
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Find out here.
The Pledge of Allegiance
Facts about our Pledge of Allegiance
She's a Grand Ole Flag
Facts about our flag.
Displaying Old Glory
Do you know what days to display our flag and the proper rules for flying and handling the flag?
President Reagan's Remarks at the U.S. Ranger Monument
Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion,. Speech delivered at the U.S. Ranger Monument at Pointe du Hoc, France, veterans of the Normandy Invasion, and others, had assembled for the ceremony.
President Bush's Prayer Service Speech
September 14, 2001, 2:02 PM EDT
Bill of Rights
The ten amendments and why they are so very important to us today.
Our Nation's Presidents
A list of our presidents.
Fourth of July Recipes
Do you need a last minute idea?

Interesting Facts about This Great Country
All kinds of facts.
Famous Quotes
About liberty, freedom and patriotism.





Keeping up with the Jones'